87 research outputs found

    Supply chains : ago-antagonistic systems through co-opetition game theory lens

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    Supply chain configurations, as hybrid governance structures, allow companies to be sufficiently integrated while keeping a certain level of flexibility. This enables them, on one hand, to converge towards common interests through the development of cooperation; and on the other hand, to diverge on their own interests by remaining in competition. This dynamics generates an ago-antagonistic system where both of these two concepts, namely cooperation and competition, simultaneously drive the supply chain. In the present article, this system is analyzed by using the co-opetition game theory developed by Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1996) in order to highlight the importance of such an apprehension of the supply chain approach.Supply chain; cooperation; competition; ago-antagonistic approach; co-opetition game theory

    A theoretical systemic analysis of organizational tacit knowledge memorization

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    Cahier de recherche du CERAG 2011-08 E5In supply chains, which are organizational systems that integrate complex behavioral interactions, partners adopt bipolar strategies that join paradoxical and constructive behaviors to evolve in nowadays environment. This enables them, on one hand, to converge towards common interests through the development of cooperative actions and strategies; and on the other hand, to deviate on their own interests by adopting competitive maneuvers. This dynamics generates an ago-antagonistic system where both of these two concepts, namely cooperation and competition, simultaneously drive the supply chain. In the present article, this system is analyzed by using ago-antagonistic systems theory in order to have a new apprehension of the supply chain approach

    Aligning Key Success Factors to ERP Implementation Strategy: Learning from a Case Study

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2012-08 E5These last years, we can observe that most of companies implemented an ERP system but many of them fail. Much of research that has been conducted in this field, focus on KSFs. We have noticed that confronting those KSFs to ERP implementation strategies seems quiet fecund. So provide in this article a brief overview of the literature dealing with key success factors related to an ERP implementation project to better cope with the field, then come out with a framework analyzing these KSFs depending on implementation strategies. Then we study a case of an ERP implementation project in a company operating in the automotive industry, with a quail-metric methodology, to better understand the reasons of ERP implementation projects success or failure

    Aligning Key Success Factors to ERP Implementation Strategy: Learning from a Case Study

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2012-08 E5These last years, we can observe that most of companies implemented an ERP system but many of them fail. Much of research that has been conducted in this field, focus on KSFs. We have noticed that confronting those KSFs to ERP implementation strategies seems quiet fecund. So provide in this article a brief overview of the literature dealing with key success factors related to an ERP implementation project to better cope with the field, then come out with a framework analyzing these KSFs depending on implementation strategies. Then we study a case of an ERP implementation project in a company operating in the automotive industry, with a quail-metric methodology, to better understand the reasons of ERP implementation projects success or failure

    Les effets de la dynamique relationnelle inter-organisationnelle sur l'alignement des systĂšmes d'information au sein d'une supply chain

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    Cahier de recherche du CERAG 2011-10 E5L'alignement des systÚmes d'information (SI) avec la stratégie d'affaire ou la structure, que ce soit de l'entreprise ou d'un réseau donné, présente une préoccupation majeure des entreprises soucieuses de leur devenir. Au sein d'une supply chain considérée comme un type de réseau et caractérisée par des comportements de création de valeur (coopération) et de capture de valeur (compétition), une dynamique relationnelle inter-organisationnelle subsiste entre ses différents acteurs. Cette dynamique est à l'origine d'un certain nombre d'orientations et de décisions adoptées par les entreprises qui constituent la supply chain, dont l'alignement des SI. Le présent article nourrit une réflexion autour des antécédents relationnels inter-organisationnels de l'alignement des SI, qu'ils soient organisationnels ou inter-organisationnels, au sein d'une supply chain

    Empirical Study of key success factors in IS Projects

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    Inter-functional business integration that improves cooperation among departments, or even inter-organizational integration could be supported by the implantation of an ERP system. Consequently, in these last five years, more and more companies are implementing ERP system but lots of them fail so far. We try to understand in our work, from a project management perspective, the reasons that bring the ERP implementation project to success or to fail. We provide in this article a brief overview of the literature dealing with key success factors related to an ERP implementation project to better cope with the field, then we study the case of an ERP implementation project in a company operating in automotive industry, with a quail-metric methodology, to better deepen the reasons of ERP implementation projects success or failure.ERP Implementation Project; Key Success Factors; Case Study; Quail-metric Approach.

    Supply Chain Relational Behaviors: Outlook from Practical Cases

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2012-07 E5Lots of works have been conducted to explore and explain inter-organizational relations between supply chain partners. However, we have noticed that there is no accurate agreement between authors. Thus, to better understand this disparity, we studied supply chain inter-organizational relationship dynamics in eight (8) different industries to bring out an analytical framework that allows a better understanding of such an issue. These casestudies instruct professionals and researchers so that they bring up their level of abstraction that remains appropriate to catch this dynamics in order to guide decision making and future research and studies

    RFID associated to Ambient Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems for Warehouses Decentralized Management and Control

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n° 2012-02 E5RFID associated to ambient intelligence provide the basic interconnected network infrastructure for decentralized warehouses management and control. In this paper, we discuss benefits and barriers of decentralized approaches and how they can be adopted in warehouses. We examine mechanisms, protocols and architectures that can be used for warehouse decentralized control. Finally, we propose a warehouse architecture based on decentralized approach for warehouses order fulfillment process. This architecture associates RFID technology with ambient intelligence platform and multi-agent system

    Alignement des systÚmes d'information avec le niveau d'intégration de la supply chain globale

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    Cahier de recherche du CERAG 2011-07 E5Le supply chain management présente une discipline qui émerge et qui se développe à une vitesse importante. Cette discipline ne présente pas seulement un effet de mode, c'est une discipline qui a fait ses preuves et qui est trÚs convoitée par un grand nombre de chercheurs et surtout de professionnels qui souhaitent améliorer la gestion de leurs entreprises et faire face aux nouvelles et changeantes exigences et contraintes de l'environnement actuel. De l'autre coté, les systÚmes et technologies de l'information et de la communication sont devenus incontournables du fait de l'accroissement sans précédent du besoin de collecte, de traitement, de stockage et de communication et diffusion de l'information en temps rée
